Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find sample 4-year plans?
Refer to the bulletin here.
For the Spring semester, is it recommended I take two cores and one colloquium?
The order you complete cores and colloquiums throughout your degree at NYUAD does not matter. It's recommended to spread them out, but it's not required. You can also take a general elective in place of a core/colloquium. Freshman year is a great time to explore other subjects or skills.
As an incoming freshman trying to major in Engineering, what courses should I be taking?
It is highly recommended that you are enrolled in three courses for the fall semester, including Computer Programming for Engineers, a Math Course, and FYWS or Core Colloquium. This will prevent you from falling behind.
What is MATH-UH 1000 A&B? Is it one semester or two semesters? How does it work?
The MATH-UH 1000 A&B is a course set up by the Math department. It replaces the previously available set of pre-calculus courses (Vectors, Functions, Trigonometry). Each “section” (A&B) are 2-credits and are meant to be completed in the same semester. The course is also meant to be completed prior to enrolling in Calculus.
I placed into MATH-UH 1000 A&B. Will this affect my study-aways or J-terms?
You will still be able to study away for a semester. Once the bulletin is released we will be able to show when this study-away would take place. You should still have the same number of J-term courses (3).
I want to major in Engineering but may also switch into X. What courses should I do?
That’s a really difficult question to answer because there it depends on how likely you are, how you feel after taking the introductory courses, and what you placed into. However, when making your decision, do keep in mind that all Natural Science and Engineering courses will require you to do FOS. Also, keep in mind that if you achieve an A- or above in Computer Programming for Engineers, this can transfer over to credits for Introduction to Computer Science. Also, keep in mind that you can complete an Engineering minor if you start FOS but switch majors later.
Since FOS 3/4 are no longer required, what are the other courses that we should take in order to replace the science courses requirement?
The extension of certain math courses (e.g. Linear Algebra, ODE, etc) covers your math/science ABET requirements. You don’t have to worry about this. For those opting out of FOS 3/4 , you must do either Quantitative Synthetic Biology or Electricity and Magnetisim for Engineers (from PHYS department). Keep in mind that for those wishing to major in Bioengineering, FOS 1-6 will still be required.
Is it possible to do a minor in Aerospace engineering?
Incoming students should NOT plan on pursuing an aerospace minor. This is due to changing demands and course availability. Current students, if you are able to complete your requirements for the minor through the NYU New York course this fall, please take advantage of this.
What are the categories we will be evaluated on in order to have 2 study away semesters?
Typically, study away for engineers takes place junior spring in New York. As of now, engineering students who have a GPA of 3.9 and above at the end of their Sophomore year may also qualify for a second study-away semester in NY in the fall of their junior year. More information can be found here.